The Apartment requires zone control

The Apartment requires zone control

Nick July 21, 2019

Living in the apartment complex I live in is pretty nice, it is not one of those university kid apartment complexes, or even a low income apartment complex.

It’s actually honestly nice with enjoyable people who just don’t want the hassle of owning a home! That is me too! Everything about the way the locale operates is near perfect… The only issue I see with it, is that the apartment complex is in drastic need of a zoned Heating plus Air Conditioning system for their hallways. Anytime I have to walk across a building in the complex, or if I am climbing the stairs if the elevator is under repair, the temperature plus the entire temperature control is out of wack; One hour, it will be too warm, then the next, way too cold. This happens all year round. It doesn’t matter if the heating or a/c is on, it is always uneven temperatures! I actually went down to the main apartment complex office plus made a suggestion about heating plus cooling zone control to the management. They never heard about it before; So, I directed them to a website on zoned heating plus a/c units, what they were about, plus how they worked. They ran it by the head of operations, plus they told me that in the next couple of months, they are actually going to be getting Heating plus Air Conditioning zone control installed for every single building in the apartment complex! I was so glad to hear about this! To thank me for the solution to their heating plus cooling issue, they offered me 50 percent off my rent for a month!


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