Different Attitudes about Air Conditioning

Different Attitudes about Air Conditioning

Nick December 28, 2021

Isn’t it funny how different people have different attitudes about air conditioning? I watch a video channel online that has two people who retired in a different country and then this one.

They did this mostly because it’s more affordable.

One of the things that is uncommon in their new country is air conditioning. Even though the thermostats down there are much higher than they are here for the great majority of the year, they still claim they do not enjoy AC. I cannot imagine living somewhere where the thermostat is in the 90s but trying to claim that I had no desire to use the AC. Nonetheless, it is true that the native population in that area oh, for the most part, does not have access to Modern Heating and Cooling. In fact, the only place you find air conditioning is in places that cater to tourists Or expats. When I went on vacation, it never occurred to me to make sure that the place I rented would come with air conditioning. I mean, what rental in this country would ever presume to rent it out to people on vacation without having Heating and Cooling? They would be laughed off the farm. I soon discovered, though, this particular place did not have air conditioning throughout. They do not have Central Heating and Cooling at all. What they do have are mini-split AC units. Thankfully, the bedroom did have a mini split air conditioner in it oh, but there was a sign that said please keep the bedroom door closed when running the air conditioner. The AC unit was not intended to cool off the entire house, only the bedroom for Comfort while sleeping. I don’t mind admitting that I spent the majority of my time in the bedroom.

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