Going from heat pump to furnace takes some adjustment

Going from heat pump to furnace takes some adjustment

Nick January 21, 2022

Okay, so I had no idea what I was talking about when I said that transitioning to a northern winter wouldn’t be all that tough.

This was a stupid assesment made by an overly optimistic person.

The fact that I was getting introduced to an area that needed a gas furnace or a boiler for HVAC heating got right by me. Or perhaps I simply decided not to consider this fact in order to maintain momentum for my move. The move was actually a happy event as it came as part of a job promotion. While I would have like to stay in an office in the south, I wasn’t going to let going north stop this career track progression. In fact, I sort of shot my mouth off that I wasn’t all that soft and it was just colder temperatures. Big words for someone who had zero idea of what they were facing in a serious northern winter. However, I also knew that I had never engaged in a winter that needed more than occasional HVAC heating from the heat pump. So going from that to this was a big deal and denying it hasn’t made it any easier. The truth is that I’m really having a hard time adjusting to this sort of winter. It’s all I can do to go from HVAC heated house to my car and then into the office. Shoot, I even have a space heater under my desk at work. Yet, man am I ever grateful to be living in a house with new HVAC equipment. The gas furnace does a great job of keeping me warm and that is a main priority this winter for me.


Zoned HVAC