Why I am not and will never be a fan of the Winter, but I love the snow

Why I am not and will never be a fan of the Winter, but I love the snow

Nick January 21, 2022

I love to watch snowflakes flutter to the ground.

There is some sense of purity to witnessing fresh untouched snow fall and accumulate.

As an adult, I often dream of making snow angels, an activity that would trigger childhood nostalgia. Unfortunately, the climate has been heating up, and I have not been lucky enough to see snow in over 10 years even when I have visited areas that are prone to getting snow. Though I love the snow, I am not a fan of the Winter months because the weather can be brutal and unforgiving. I recall being a child and I hated the Winter mainly because indoors was always uncomfortable. We lived in an apartment building that used a metal radiator for heat that we could not control. The noisy radiator used to be so hot that it became hard to breathe. I sometimes found myself opening the window to my bedroom just to get some relief. As a result of that experience, I do not use the heat in the Winter as an adult. I am grateful that I live in a state with mild Winters, therefore using the heat isn’t necessary. I prefer to use heavy blankets instead of the HVAC system on those nights when the outside temperature is below normal. I am grateful that if I do need to use the heat, at least I can control it unlike that old radiator that we had when I was a child. Though I love seeing snow, Winter will never be my favorite season – the only thing I can do is to survive it the best way I can.


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