You should never marry an HVAC technician

You should never marry an HVAC technician

Nick February 11, 2022

I realize that this sounds mean and judgmental, but I’m just going to put it out there anyway.

I don’t think that you should ever marry an HVAC technician.

I know this from experience, because I personally have been married to two different HVAC technicians and it did not workout either time. I don’t know if it has something to do with the profession or not, but in my experience, HVAC technicians are really self centered and they are constantly only worried only about themselves. My first husband was an HVAC technician at one of the little local heating and cooling companies here in town. He was constantly thinking about work, no matter whether he was at home with me or not. He was always looking for his next big break, and he always wanted to make sure that the heating and cooling company was giving him his fair share of jobs and tips. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure that he was cheating on me with at least two of his heating and cooling clients. One day he came home from work in a completely different uniform than he had left in, and it was the day that he had a furnace repair appointment at some woman’s house. Anyway, I got rid of him and then somehow I ended up marrying one of his friends from the same company. Actually, it was the guy who owned the business. My first husband did not take that too well, and he ended up quitting. The owner of the HVAC company was no better than my first husband was though!

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